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Russian Jewish Roots

Genealogy in the 21st Century.

Olgopol district

Olgopol district was located to the east of Bessarabia and as such it bordered other Podolian districts: Yampol, Bratslav districts to the north, Gaisin district on the east and Balta district to the south.

Olgopol Census 1875: residents, temporary residnets: 1-12 enum. districts
from Balta district
missed residents
Olgopol Vital Records Births: 1837, 1840
Marriages: 1837, 1840,
Divorces: 1837 (no divorces this year)
Deaths: 1837, 1840
Bershad Vital Records Births: 1839, 1854, 1855, 1857, 1858, 1865
Marriages: 1839, 1840, 1842
Divorces: 1839, 1840, 1842, 1848, 1854, 1855, 1858
Deaths: 1839, 1840, 1842
Bershad Census 1875 residents, temporary residents, former residents,
missed residents, missed former residents, missed artisans,
, temporary residents, temporary residents from Bershad volost Bershad volost residents
Chechelnik Census 1875: residents: 1, 2, 3
temporary residents: 1, 2
Chechelnik Vital Records 1839: births, marriages, deaths, Divorces: There were no divorces this year.
Demovka Census temporary residents: 1, 2
Kamenka Census 1875: residents
Kuzminka Census Colony in Kamenka volost
1875: 1, 2 3
Lug Census
Miastkovka Census 1875: residents, missed residents, foreigners, temporary residents
Obodovka Vital Records 1839: births, No divorces this year
1840: births, marriages, deaths
1842: births, marriages, deaths
1848: births, marriages: Proskover (from Gaysin) & Biler, deaths
Obodovka Census 1875: residents, temporary residents: x, 5
Peschanka (Peshchanka) Census 1875: residents, temporary residents: 7, missed residents, foreigners
Popeliuki Census
Rashkov (in Moldavia) Census 1875: residents, foreigners: 12
Sharapanovka Census 1875: volost temporary residents
Sokolovka Census 1875: temporary residents
Stratievka Census 1875: residents
Zagnitkov Census 1875: residents, former residents, temporary residents: 12
Zhabokrich Census 1875 residents, additional list, temporary residents
Zhabokrich Vital Records Birhs: 1837, 1840, 1848, 1861, 1869
Marriages: 1837 (no marriages this year), 1840, 1848: (Shprindzina from Verkhovka) & Leiderman)
Divorces: 1837 (no divorces this year)
Deaths: 1837, 1840, 1848, 1861, 1862, 1864, 1865, 1872
Olgopol district Misc 1875: orphans, foreigners
temp. residents from Kamenets, Podolia
temp. residents from Mogilev-Podolsky district
temp. residents from Mogilev-Podolskiy (2)
temp. residents from Gaysin district
temp. residents from Bratslav district
people from Olgopol district, who currently live in Bratslav district temp. residents from Litin district
temp. residents from Proskurov district
temp. residents from Yampol district
temp. residents from Yampol district (2)
temp. residents from Vinnitsa district
temp. residents from other Podolian districts
1875: Goluben, Viesnianka temporary residents
Olgopol district residents who showed up after the census.
1882-1888 Olgopol district migrations