In the early 19th century there were seven known shtetls with Jewish communities in Novogrudok district: Novogrudok, Delyatichi, Korelichi, Mir, Snov, Turets and Vselyub.
Place | Record | Years |
Novogrudok | Census |
1795 part 1,
part 2 1811, 1834, 1858, 1872-1880 |
Dellyatichi | Census | 1811 |
Dvorets | Census | 1811 |
Gorodishche | Census | 1811 |
Korelichi | Census | 1809, 1811, villagers |
Kroshin | Census | 1811 |
Lubcha | Census | 1811, The Poor of Lubcha |
Lubcha | Vital Records | 1849 births, marriages, deaths |
Mir | Census |
1686 inventory
1809, 1811, The Poor of Mir |
Negnevichi | Census | 1811 |
Negnevichi | Vital Records | 1849 births, marriages, deaths |
Novaya Mysh (Novamysh) | Census | 1811 |
Polonechka | Census | 1811 |
Snov | Census | 1811 residents, villagers |
Stolovichi | Census | 1811 |
Tsyrin | Census | 1811 |
Turets | Census | 1811, newcomers |
Yeremichi | Census | 1811 |
Yeremichi | Vital Records | 1849 births, deaths |
Vselub | Census | 1811 |
Misc | Census | Misc. people missed in 1818 census |
Education | School | Jewish teachers accredited in 1849-1850 Novogrudok students in 1857 Novogrudok students who took exams in 1910-1911 |
Introduction to rural census (includes map) |
Novogrudok |
Darev (Darava) -area south-east from Baranovichi. |
Gorodys -area to the north from Baranovichi. |
Iskoldz -in the area between Mir, Snov and Goradzishcha |
Krivoshin -to the south from Baranovichi and Lyakhovichi. |
Kroshin -area north-east from Baranovichi. |
Mir |
Negnevichi -area between Novogrudok, Lyubcha and Korelichi. |
Polonets -in the area between Mir, Snov and Goradzishcha |
Senna -small area immediately south from Lyubcha. |
Snov (Snou) |
Staroelniki -in the area between Dvorets and Novogrudok. |
Staroyelenska -area around Lyubcha. |
Stvolovichi |
Svoyatichi -area to the south from Snov. |
Voroncha -area roughly between Novogrudok, Korelichi, Turets and Baranovichi. |
Vselyub -area between Novogrudok and Iv'ye. |
Zadveya -in the area between Mir, Snov and Goradzishcha |