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Russian Jewish Roots

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Novogrudok Jewish students in 1857

Novogrudok Names Vital Records 1857

List of Jewish students in Novogrudok, Novogrudok district for the second half of 1857 school year.

Signed by state rabbi Sadia M. Kantorovich. Total 27 students, total cost 157 silver rubles.

Each school has the following information: School is clean, follows the rules from Department of People's Education. No additional subjects are studied.

TeacherStudent NameAgeCost
Daniel Itsko Berkov Abramovich
licensed by Novogrudok Jewish comittee
School on Bazilianskaya street,
house of Yankel Pirozhnik
Yankel son of Aron Garkavy911
Daniel Itsko Berkov Abramovich
licensed by Novogrudok Jewish comittee
school on Korelichi street,
house of Movsha Kabak
Gershon son of Iosif Mints89
Daniel Itsko Berkov AbramovichGershon son of Levi Levin78
Daniel Itsko Berkov AbramovichShlema son of Shimen Krasnopiorka116
Daniel Itsko Berkov AbramovichSender son of Elia Kobak116
Sadia Manelev KantorovichZundel, son of merchant's son Movsha Kabak1312
Sadia Manelev KantorovichMikhelber, another son of merchant's
son Movsha Kabak
Sadia Manelev KantorovichBeniamin son of Gershon Garkavy138
Sadia Manelev KantorovichElia son of Aron Aronovskiy148
Itsko Meerov Prusak
licensed by Novogrudok Jewish comittee
school on Jewish street,
house of Meer Goskind
Notel son of Lipman Zamkovyi1512
Itsko Meerov Prusak Aron son of Shlema Genikov149
Itsko Meerov PrusakLeiba son of Berka Slutskiy136
Itsko Meerov PrusakYankel son of Shlema Kantorovich116
Itsko Meerov PrusakYankel son of Leiba Goldberg106
Itsko Meerov PrusakZelman son of Movsha Elia Bruk126
Elia Yankelevich Ovsheevich
licensed by Novogrudok Jewish comittee
Talmud Tora, on school yard
at Shoemaker school
teacher is payed by Burial Society,
34 silver rubles.
Khonon son of Iosel Yeruzolimskiy18
Elia Yankelevich OvsheevichLeib son of Khaim Bruk15
Elia Yankelevich OvsheevichAbram son of Itsko Fisher15
Elia Yankelevich OvsheevichYankel son of Meer Krynskiy15
Elia Yankelevich OvsheevichGirsh Shimon son of Uri Izrelit13
Elia Yankelevich OvsheevichMordukh son of Ruben Zaichik15
Elia Yankelevich OvsheevichShimon son of Ruben Zaichik13
Elia Yankelevich OvsheevichGirsh son of Israel Udaloy15
Elia Yankelevich OvsheevichDavid son of Yankel Movshovich10
Elia Yankelevich OvsheevichEli Volf son of Shmuylo Ostrovskiy9
Elia Yankelevich OvsheevichAbraam son of Leizer Rakovskiy10
Elia Yankelevich OvsheevichLeib son of Shepshel Zamkovyi16