Name list
This census from city of Kherson, Kherson district was compiled on September 28, 1858.
There were 214 males and 191 females recorded as living within bourgeois households.
The numbers indicate how many families shared the same last name.
Family Name | Notes |
Abovskiy | |
Aibinder | a.k.a. Zhitomirskiy |
Alper | |
Babskiy | |
Barsht | |
Buntselman | |
Dorfman (3) | one brother with family became merchants |
Dubner | |
Fainshtein | |
Feldman | |
Furman | one brother with son absent |
Gersh | |
Gimelfarb | |
Gipshtein | |
Glazov | |
Glikman | |
Goitsvakh | females only |
Goldvaser | |
Gorin | |
Grimbarg | |
Grinshtein | father was added in 1853 |
Kachka | |
Kamenov | |
Kamenskiy | newly added in 1855 |
Kanaris | |
Kanevskiy | |
Kantorits | newly-added in 1851 |
Kantorovich/Kontorovich | |
Kharitonov | |
Kogan (2) | one newly-recorded in 1857 |
Konstantinovskiy | |
Kop (2) | one son in the army |
Kramer | |
Kupilman | died in Perekop. |
Kvartirmeister | one brother joined army |
Lam | |
Lekher | one brother absent |
Lisovaya | females only |
Lotershtein | newly-recorded in 1852 |
Muzik | |
Muzykant | |
Mutselmakher | |
Nudler | |
Orlov | |
Piller | |
Podgaets | related: half-brother Aizikov, with family. (became merchants). |
Polinskiy | one son absent |
Polyak | females only |
Posternak | |
Potak | |
Rabinovich (2) | |
Rosentsvakh | |
Rozinskiy | |
Saferman | |
Shambrod | |
Shekhter | newly added in 1853 |
Shpaer | newly-recorded in 1851 |
Shulimov | father a.k.a. Kop. One son in the army. |
Smoila | one son was captured by Frenh in town Kerch. |
Tabak | added to community in 1851 |
Ternavskiy/Ternovskiy | |
Tsiperovich | |
Vainshtein | |
Vainshtein | family became merchants in Perekop(?). |
Verkhovskiy | one brother fled in 1854 |
Vilig/Vilesg (?) | father and one son became merchants in Odessa. |
Vinokurov | newly-added in 1858 |
Volkovir | newly-recorded in 1858 |
Zaitsov | previously was merchant and since 1857 returned to bourgeois. |
Zanels | two nephews were captured by French in town Kerch and not returned. |
Zeltser |