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Russian Jewish Roots

Genealogy in the 21st Century.

Pobolovo old and disabled in 1811

Pobolovo Name Index Census 1811

This is the list of old and disabled Jews from Pobolovo, Bobruysk district compiled in 1811.

YankelNaftoli60decrepit and handicapped (имеет выбел кишек)
YankelFaibus60handicapped , died
EfroimItsko82decrepit and often sick
YudkoEfroim42blind to both eyes and has illness (can't read)
MordukhEfroim35blind to both eyes. Not shown.
ShmuyloVolf55decrepit, handicapped has vybel kishek, not healthy. Not shown.
VolfItsko35handicapped, имеет выбел кишек, not healthy. Not shown.
MovshaAron50decrepit, deaf, unhealthy
MordukhAron38handicapped and has no hand and no arm (right), untreatable paralisis. Not shown.
AronGirsh50mute, handicapped, poor(?)
Zkhar'yaYudel29handicapped and has desease
IsraelYuda24handicapped and has desease of 12 years.
AronZkhariya65blind on both eyes, poor(?)
YankelAron28blind on both eyes
FaivushMendel85decrepit and handicapped, poor(?)
VolfBerko14decrepit, located in Mishchi
ShmoyloEfroim80old and handicapped, poor(?)
ShoylaAbram77handicapped and has desease from 9 years. [details are in Polish]