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Russian Jewish Roots

Genealogy in the 21st Century.

1661 Slutsk census

Slutsk Name Index Census 1661

This is the list of Jewish residents from Slutsk, Slutsk district extracted from 1661 inventory.

Slutsk at the time was not only center of district but also part of the Slutsk princedom ruled by Radziwill family. There are two sections Old Town and New Town. These early censuses usually only listed heads of the household. However, as far as I know this is the earliest census of Slutsk where Jews were recorded.

Important historical information for researchers.

  • In this early period, Jewish residents were concentrated in historical Slutsk, known as Old Town.
  • There is a court document from the early 18th century shows one of the early Radziwill princes allowed Jews to settle Jewish Street (Ulica Zydowska).
  • Later censuses have this street included as well.
  • Now we have reference from this census to Zwierzowska Street "where Jews live". Later on the same street is called "Ulica Zydowska", in quotes. Clearly this nickname of the street already existed by 1661.
  • Thanks to this census we can identify the original name of the Jewish Street in Slutsk.

Old Town
First NameFatherNicknameNotes
Abram DrobotProzorovskaya Street
Jakub Jew UkrainecKopylska street (from Market, on the right side)
Nochim Wielki (Great?) Jew
MejerJudycz (Juda?)Intrligator
BerkoAbrahamKopylska street, left side (near church of St. Nicholas)
UnknownGutwinow, Jewess
MowszaZelko (Zelik)
Nochim SzemachJew. Street going from the Wall, right side
ZacharyaszLubanskiJew. Small Street (Zaulek) from Wall
to Jewish street (Ulica Zydowska), right side
MowszaDawid same small street, left side
LeybChaimwith brothers. Street Zwierzowska where Jews live.
JozephAzrielplace of
Unknownwidow Burylicha. Buryl's(?) widow.
Payka widow
UnnownJlina/Elina(?) widow Jewess. Could be Ella's widow
Gurzon Jew. Rzez [could be Rzeznik, i.e. butcher
MorduchayMichelsame street nicknamed Jewish "Zydowska"
right side, going from the bridge
Jewish school
UnknownJew Cantor
Jlla (Ella/)JeskieJew
Jcko (Itsko)Jeremicki (Yeremitskiy)Renter
UnknownMonasze's widow, jewess. Mylnitska street
goes from Market on the left side, from the bridge.
HiszSzewelJews. Street over the (creek) Byczok ("Bychok"))
going from Market on the left side.
Chil Jew
Jlla (Ella?)Jew
UnknownCzortok (Chertok?)Jew
Jcko (Itsko)Rudy (Red)Jew
MorduchayDawidOther side of the same street right going from Market.
MichielCantorsmall street over the Byczok (creek) behind the garden house
, on the left side going from place on the Wall.
UnknownJeremicki (Yeremitskiy)Szyman Jeremicki, Renter's son-in-law.
Other side of the small street going from place (Miasta) on the right side.
UnknownZawalska street from Ostrov gates going from Byczok (creek) on the Left side.
A Jewess [renter?] from Pohutailo. Arciom Pokhukaylo is mentioned separately on the same street.
WolfJakubowiczJew. Next to his house Guard house at Ostrov gates.
MowszaJew. The other side or street going from Rog to Ostrowska street.
On the same street places of noble Lystowsky.
Also next to this street is Garden house of Slutsk court(?).
House which belongs to castle, used for various crafts.
JaskoChaimZawalska street, right side.
MowszaSzymanKrapiwienska Street from Ostrov gates.
Jcko (Itsko)Mosie (Moshe)Crossing street, going from Ostrov gates to river Sluch.
This is nearby Ustinovska street which goes from Castle
to the Wall and Ostrov gates.
Building of the Castle of the prince over the river Sluch
Zacharyasz (Zachariah)Wolk[owicz] Market, small shops
MathfeyWolk[owicz]other side (of first row)
BerAbraamsecond row of shops
HendelAbraamthe other side of 2nd row of shops
Hirsz Prykalitczyn (Prikalitsin)
UnknownHendel's son-in-law
Jenze (same?)Szewel
Unknown Struchaczow (Strukhachev?)Movsha Struchaczow's son-in-law.
Adam Zeikowicz (or Zenkowicz?)listed twice. Possibly Christian person.
MowszaKrywy (Krivoy)behind these shops are various smaller shops
Czortko (Chortko)
Unknown"Jllin son", father's name could refer to
name Ella or a Christian version Ilya.
UnknownPohoskyPohosky (Pogostky) Jew (i.e. from Pogost)'s "tacza" (wheel?)
UnknownMovsha Struchaczow's son-in-law.
MiesanPeysach's son-in-law
Unknownwritten as Jew Mejer Chaimow's son-in-law.
Possibly Mejer (son of Chaim)'s son-in-law.
Unknown"Berowa Syna" could be Ber's son's place or given
the feminine ending maybe it is Sima (daughter of widow of Ber).
UnknownLeyba Struchaczow's son-in-law
Jlla (Ella)Izrael Jew
UnknownChaimChaim's son (Chaimowego syna)
ZacharyaszWolk[owicz] Unconfirmed translation: going towards(?)
the wheel of granary behind the big stores.
MowszaLitmanGoing to the Old town (place) to Kazimierz (Casimir)
on the left side to the store.
MichelMowszaGoing from Old town to Casimir on the right side of the store.
This area followed by Mill, fish stores, powder store.
Jlla (Ella)Jew. Going from Old town to Casimir on Left side
PeysachJew. The other side of "Szpiklenow" going from New Town
on the right side and "rzeznicki" (meat stores).

New Town. After New Fort.
First NameFatherNicknameNotes
Juda Carowski (Tsarovsky) Wielka (Big) street, going from
Casimir to New Town gates, Left side.
Jeyk Leyba
Leyzer Boruch
Guard house at New Town gates
Chlawna Carowski (Tsarovsky) the other side of the street which
goes from Casimir, with its alleys (zaulek).
Aron Lubanski
Izrael (Israel)Lubanski
Hirsz Saletremnik
Awram Mowsza
Jcko (Itsko) Malczan Itsko Malchan's son, jew.
The other side of Wielka streeet.
Szypszay Jakub Jew. Ivanovska (Iwanowska) street, going from
New Town gates, left side. passing the St. Ivan church.