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Kerch marriages in 1860s

Kerch Name Index Census 1860s

This is the index of marriages from Kerch, Taurida governorate as compiled in 1860s.

YearHusband & Wife
1861Akselband & Lev from Vitopol
1861Apelbaum, ex-army worker & Kalovskiy/Kasovskiy(?) from Slonim
1861Bakhshais from Karasubazar & Levi from Karasubazar
1861Erman from Vinnitsa & Unknown/Kunia daughter of Khaim-Leiba from Yelizavetgrad
1861Filshteiner & Unknown/Peisakhovich, Ester daughter of Nukhim Peisakhovich from Borislav
1861Garfunkel, being added to Kerch bourgeois & Leibkhin(?), Minka Leibkhina from Odessa
1861Gepshtein/[Epshtein], Turkish citizen & Melman from Simferopol
1861Gershfeld, Turkish citizen & Sotonskiy from Berdichev
1861Gidankin/Yidankin(?) army worker & Nedobitok from town Kaliazhin
1861Gindin from Chausy & Unknown/Vulfov, Bluma-Sura daughter of Isay Vulfov from Bykhov
1861Goldenberg, Turkish citizen & Likhtman
1861Goldin from Shklov & Unknown/Basia daughter of Shimen Yankel
1861Gurevich & Krugulianskiy from Krulov[skiy]
1861Kesherzov/Keshertsov from Kamenets & Unknown/divorced Bela-Masia daughter of Gesai from Kamenets
1861Khaufman, ex-army worker & Unknown/divorced Esfir daughter of Abram
1861Kortman, army worker & Gitetsek(?) from Semiatichesk
1861Kots/[Kats?] & Slovutskiy from Berdichev
1861Lauterman from Cherzh & Bogoslovskiy from Kherson
1861Levitan, Turkish citizen & Unknown/Tsirlia daughter of Khaim Mordkovich
1861Ostrovkiy from Mirogrod/[Mirgorod] & Pototskiy from Berdichev
1861Piler from Pavlograd & Siderevich from Simferopol
1861Porunois from Karasubazar & Krivitskiy from Yalta
1861Rashkov from Kremenets & Kumitskiy/Kuslitskiy(?)
1861Shteinberg from Kishinev & Nidkiy from Grodin/[Grodno?]
1861Tulchin from Barisov/[Borisov] & Fainberg from Gzabriysk/Grzabroisk(?)
1861Veltman from Vinnitsa & Unknown/Liba daughter of Berko from Kishinev
1862Brenshtein, Turkish citizen & Grinshtein from Yelizavetgrad
1862Chirnomordik/[Chernomordik], merchant's son & Kapilov from Bakhmut
1862Faigenbaum from Wilno & Orlov
1862Feldman, army worker & Feldman from Lublin
1862Fidler, army worker & Unknown/Bluma, divorced from army worker Lazor Blunshtein
1862Geig/Eeig(?) #15 from Ukhan/Ulan[sk?] & Rabinovich from Berislav
1862Khamontnik, army worker & Shteinman from Bialsk
1862Lazor, Turkish citizen Yakov son of Leizer Lazar & Khanan, Perla divorced daughter of Meisel Khanan from Yazersk.
1862Levik, army worker & Germanskiy from Ostrog
1862Levinson from Vitebsk & Kapilas from Karasubazar
1862Nekhts/Nekh[..]ts & Vilenskiy, sailor's daughter
1862Rudoy, army worker & Tabel from Kulchin
1862Sendr(?) Turkish citizen and ex-army worker & Limeraz from Karasubazar
1862Shteinberg from Kishinev & Unknown/Beila divorced, daughter of Moisey from Belostok
1862Shterinblis & Kelner, merchant's daughter
1862Shufil from Simferopol & Sasvits from Simferopol
1862Shvarts from Simferopol & Mezhurad from Berdichev
1862Yuzovskiy, Turkish citizen & Ozarnitskiy from Kosev
1863Barbak & Unknown/divorced Basia-Sheva daughter of Ekhiel
1863Bliakher, army engineers & Khalanaev from Kherson
1863Broverman from Goriskov & Rozamont
1863Gindin from Slonim & Pitukh, daughter of army worker
1863Glikman, army worker & Meitis from Kremenets
1863Goman, ex-army worker & Unknown/Ester daughter of Abram
1863Goman, ex-soldier & Unknown/Perla daughter of Anshel, widow of Khranzovskiy, policeman from Odessa
1863Gros from Berdichev & Norshtein from Starokonstantinov
1863Ipsher-Shneider, army worker & Unknown/Naimonov, Feige-Sura daughter of Vulf Naimonov from Kamenets-Litovsk
1863Khait, army worker & Unknown/Srulevich, widow Sura daughter of Azriel Srulevich from Ostrog
1863Kofman from Pinsk & Gluberman from Pinsk
1863Krakopolskiy from Pinsk & Peskovskiy from Berezen
1863Krimgolts from Simferopol & Nonus from Sen[sk]
1863Kuchinskiy, unter-officer & Khik from Kremenets
1863Laiterman from Karasubazar & Toker from Zhitomir
1863Lerber from Berdichev & Kelman(?), Beila daughter of Shlioma Kelman from Berdichev
1863Lerber from Berdichev & Unknown/Kelmanovich, Beila daughter of Shlioma Kalmenovich merchant from Kerch
1863Markov from colony Bolshoy Seidei & Unknown/Osherov, Khiena daughter of Iosif Osherov from Vilizsk/[or Vinnitsa?] (#26)
1863Minkov from Barisev/[Borisov?] & Fraigun from Karasubazar
1863Moreino, ex-army worker & Brodovskiy from Biten
1863Olkhovenov from Kemenchug & Fuks
1863Rubinshtein from Melitopol & Likhterman, merchant's daughter
1863Shmulevich, Turkish citizen & Vidman from Lubin
1863Shvartsman & Rabinovich from Oleshskin
1863Tochila-Shvail, from Akhalchinsk, Kutaisi governorate & Kreis/Krens(?) from Melitopol
1863Tsitrin & Volfshtein (divorced from Gitsman from Kamenets-Litovsk)
1863Unknown/Naftulov, Beniamin Naftulov from Semiatitsk & Lubarskiy from Wilno
1863Usovich, army musician in Lithuanian regiment & Toschinskiy from Berdichev
1863Uv/[Oov], ex-soldier & Rok from Odessa
1863Valevich from Kishinev & Shteinbarg from Kishinev
1863Varshavskiy, ex-soldier & Apelbaum, daughter of ex-army worker
1863Zhiliaznikov/[Zheleznikov] from Slonim & Shmaevskiy, merchant's daughter
1864no data
1865Bakhsha, merchant's son & Manda from Karasubazar
1865Brun from Yelizavetgrad & Gin from colony Trudo-Lubivka
1865Feldsher ex-soldier & Yarusevskiy from Balta
1865Fingerut ex-soldier & Unknown/Gitlia daughter of Moisey (divorced from Tikvos)
1865Gitelman soldier & Smuletskiy from Ekaterinoslav
1865Goldenberg from Simferopol & Shneider from Kherson
1865Goldverg/[Goldberg] & Unknown/Godlia daughter of Abram (divorced from Girsh Meer from Odessa)
1865Kalmenovich & Shterenblits, merchant's daughter
1865Karsh from Rotn[sk] & Dudin
1865Kovalikiy from Meslian/[Smeliany?], Cherkasy dist., Kiev gov. & Buter daughter of drummer from Podolian regiment
1865Maizlin from colony Izluchista & Grotsman from Aless[kiy]
1865Milshtein from Lublin & Unknown/Etel daughter of Volf (was married to Sakolskiy from Karasubazar)
1865Mitelman from Miletopol & Nodel
1865Modetskiy ex-soldier & Unknown/Estra daughter of Abram (was married to Grodzinskiy)
1865Potoznyi & Brodskiy from Wilno
1865Rudaev from Pavlograd & Kronrod from Orsha
1865Sharshinskiy drummer of Lithuanian regiment & Unknown/Estra daughter of Nuta (divorced from Itskin)
1865Shmulevich from Kishinev & Kozatin, merchant's daughter from Berdichev
1865Shuster from Simferopol & Seref(?) Sura daughter of Yakov Seref from Slovuta
1865Sorkin from Rogachev & Feldman from Berdichev
1865Tysh/Tish soldier & Unknown/Khaya daughter of Abram (divorced from Berko Samoilov Moldavian citizen)
1865Unknown/Meer(?), Evel Mikhelev son Meer, ex-soldier & Shusterman from Amastislav/[Mstislavl]
1866Alpershtein from Slonim, Grodno gov. & Kalminovich (was wife of Kromisl from Dubno, Volynia)
1866Bernshtein from Odessa & Moizyk/Moizik from Odessa
1866Buklhshtab from Kishinev & Fraigun from Karasubazar
1866Bunchikov from colony Priyuta, Mariupol dist., Ekaterinoslav gov. & Unknown/Perla daughter of Anshel (divorced from Gofman)
1866Burt ex-soldier & Unknown/Tsipe-Mikhlia daughter of Moshe-Nekhemia (divorced from Gerts from Wilno)
1866Freiner soldier & Unknown/Ester-Dvoira daughter of Nuta (was married to Sharshinskiy, soldier)
1866Kaplunev from colony Bakhareva, Aleksandrovsk dist., Ekaterinoslav gov. & Kirzner from Simferopol
1866Khalfen from Orsha, Mogilev gov. & Altshuler from Alessk, Taurida gov.
1866Krimgolts from Simferopol & Bibergal from Simferopol
1866Loks & Chirnomordik/[Chernomordik], merchant's daughter
1866Nun/[Noon] from Pruzin/[Pruzhany], Grodno gov. & Unknown/Osherov Sura-Beila daughter of Abram from Ekaterinoslav
1866Polis/Polas(?) from Novomoskovsk, Ekaterinoslav gov. & Pipus from Kherson
1866see duplicate portion
1866Sosnovskiy ex-soldier & Efelbaum, daughter of soldier from Orenburg garrison
1866Trimbvaser soldier & Unknown/Sima daughter of Shmerel (divorced from Beserman)
1866Tsukerberg ex-soldier & Zaslavskiy from Ilintsy, Kiev gov.
1866Tsukker/Tsuker ex-soldier & Unknown/Basia daughter of Meer (divorced from Gorman from Odessa)
1867Abramovich from Nemirov & Reznikov soldier's daughter
1867Bedentsov soldier & Beker from Belsk, Grodno gov.
1867Dubner from Kherson & Berman from Berdichev
1867Eidelshtein & Radovilskiy from Kremenchug, Poltava gov.
1867Feldman merchant & Unknown/Rivke-Sura daughter of Yosif (widow of Gorodetskiy from Berislav, Kherson gov.)
1867Kanevskiy from Kherson & Butsel from Karasubazar
1867Katsenelenbogen from Wilno & Altin from Kherson
1867Khutmakher soldier & Deravenskiy(?) from Nemirov, Podolia gov.
1867Khvalek soldier & Shpigel from Maniaki, Odessa dist.
1867Kofman army scribe & Unknown/Rivka daughter of Moisey (divorced from Gershgorin from Odessa)
1867Pozhinov from colony Bobrovy Kut, Kherson gov. & Efrus(?), Khaya (widow of Vidman from Chubin, Podolia)
1867Pritikin from Uster/[Oster], Chernigov gov. & Shtein from Simferopol
1867Reznikov & Maiman from Zhitomir
1867Rotbord from Balta, Podolia gov. & Mikhelevich merchant's daughter
1867Sirkin from Shavel, Kiev gov./[Shauliai?] & Zul from Simferopol
1867Solomonovich from Bakhchisarai & Piver from Grodno
1867Tsveifel from Perekop & Ostrovskiy from Rovno
1867Vinokurov soldier & Unknown/Pesia daughter of Mendel (divorced from Zingerov from colony Itulitsa)
1867Yakubson student from St.Petersburg universiy & Sinaiskiy merchant's daughter
1868Abramovich, Turkish citizen & Ablas from Simferopol
1868Bugzil, merchant's son & Bukhshtab daughter of merchant from Aleshkov
1868Fishgal & Markov
1868Gertsenshtein from colony Viliarka, Balta dist., Podolia & Unknown/Leya divorced from Abram Sirkin (from Bobruysk)
1868Golzimber, soldier from Simferopol & Dubb from Odessa
1868Gosilevich/Yosilevidch soldier from Starodub & Soldanov from Baranov, Volynia gov.
1868Goz from Bakhchisarai & Shvarts from Khadovits., Zhitomir gov.
1868Grois & Unknown/Gitlia daughter of Moisey, divorced from David Shpigel from Kherson
1868Grotsman, merchant's son from Aleshkov & Aizenberg from Kiblits/[Kiblich], Podolia
1868Guz from Vorkovna, Dubno dist., Volynia & Rospis, daughter of ex-soldier
1868Isaak, Turkish citizen & Shterenblits
1868Kagarlitskiy from Melitopol & Gurovich
1868Kapilnikov, sailor & Unknown, Rukhlia daughter of Leiba, widow of Leiba Konev from Simferopol
1868Kasirskiy from Antopol, Kobrin dist., Grodno gov. & Grinshtein from Kerch
1868Kisel army barber & Bekker/Beker from Belsk., Grodno gov.
1868Kop, merchant from Rastov, Ekaterinoslav gov. & Valik, merchant's daughter
1868Levin, Turkish citizen & Kenzer
1868Mailer from colony Lvov, Kherson dist. & Kats from Kamenets, Volynia gov.
1868Nesenshtein from police of Karasubazar & Pasichinskiy from Vitebsk
1868Ragalskiy merchant's son from Feodosia & Fishgagal/[Fishgal]
1868Rospis ex-soldier & Yakobovich, soldier's daughter
1868Rozovskiy, from Igumen, Minsk gov. & Shterenblits
1868Selikh from Brest-Litovsk, Grodno gov. & Fraigon from Karasubazar
1868Shemusov, Turkish citizen & Zon from Simferopol
1868Shevakh from Pesk[..], Volkovysk dist., Grodno gov. & Unknown/Ester daughter of Tovia, divorced from ex-soldier Yudkovich
1868Shkliar from Kherson & Dorin daughter of Turkish citizen
1868Shpigler from Odessa, moving to Kerch & Aizenshtein from Evpatoria
1868Shprints from Svislovich, Volkovisk dist., Grodno gov. & Unknown/Mariem daughter of Shmul (divorced from Mordko Dubner from Kherson)
1868Shtianovskiy merchant & Chirnomordik/[Chernomordik] merchant's daughter
1868Shulem, Turkish citizen & Kop from Kherson
1868Varshavskiy from Ekaterinoslav & Dembrovskiy from Mariopol/[Mariupol]
1868Vergules, ex-soldier & Vilenskiy from Ekaterinoslav
1868Yatvedskiy/Yatvezskiy from Minzhibov, Volkovysk dist., Grodno gov. & Miler from Kherson
1869Adelshtein soldier & Eminberkh/Khasia daughter of Moisey, widow of Moldavian citizen
1869Badkin from Feodosia & Khakhlovkin daughter of merchant from Feodosia
1869Boyarskiy from Sevastopol & Froimovich from Mogilev
1869Brand from army engineers & Zilbergiser, father from army engineers
1869Brunshtein from Kishinev & Unknown/Khana daughter of Yakov, divorced from Nukhem Getsel from Minsk
1869Desiatnik from army engineers & Unkhnown/Beila daughter of Nusen, Moldavian citizen
1869Flisfeder & Fuks
1869Gershfeld, Turkish citizen & Zilbershtein from Berdichev
1869Gershkovich from Simferopol & Feldloifer daughter of army worker
1869Gezes from Grodno & Abramovich, Turkish citizen
1869Gluzman army transport worker & Unknown/Ita daughter of Yankl, widow of Legovskiy
1869Grinberg, Turkish citizen & Unknown/Dvoira daughter of Shlioma, divorced from Kopel Aizenshtein from Kerch
1869Kats from Kosev, Kovel dist., Wilno/[most likely Volynia] gov. & Picherskiy daughter of ex-soldier
1869Kesler, Turkish citizen & Shtein from Berdichev
1869Lekhovetskiy from Slonim, Grodno gov. & Geldberg from Simferopol
1869Meerovich from army workers & Faershtein from Radzhvil, Zhitomir gov.
1869Meterskiy from Kutais (Georgia) & Fritser from Simferopol
1869Mitelman, merchant from Aleshkov & Unknown/Reiza daughter of Nute-Gersh, divorced from Yakov Leib from Kherson
1869Reznikov & Podoliak
1869Rin from Karasubazar & Gluberman
1869Shteingos, soldier from Caucasus batalion & Unknown/Rivka daughter of Meer, divorced from Mones Man from Kinetsk.
1869Tsitrinov & Unknown/Khaskel daughter of Abram, widow of Simkha Sandler from Simferopol
1869Vainberg from Feodosia & Kislitskiy daughter of Turkish citizen
1869Valt from ex-army engineers & Unknown/Riva daughter of Srul-Yudel divorced from David Goldshtein from Zhivotov, Kiev gov.
1869Veinshtein, Moldavian citizen & Bukzel, merchant's daughter
1869Yudenzon from Grafskaya colony, Aleksandrovsk dist., Ekaterinoslav gov. & Unknown/Golda daughter of Avadia, divorced from Borukh Berman Turkish citizen
1869Ziskind from Borisov, Minsk gov. & Ginden from Slonim, Grodno gov.