Name list
This is a list of merchant families from Berezne, Rovno district as compiled on May 28, 1858.
There were total about 540 males (number is unclear due to tight binding) and 714 female recorded in 216 households. It was signed by authors Elio [Bi]lenkiy, Srul Shnaider, Mev[sha?] Binder and rabbi Berko Shneider, tax collector Shakhnuk.
Numbers indicate how many families shared the same last name.
Family Name |
Beider (2) - father absent. Related: Binder |
Beigel - one absent. Related: Dumer (three absent, one in the army) |
Beker (2) - two absent, related: Vainer (one absent) |
Belker/Belvker(?) - #87 |
Bilder |
Bilenki - three absent |
Biletskiy |
Binder - one absent |
Blekht (3) - one family absent since 1856, in another three absent,two in the army |
Blikhman |
Blinder (2) - threee absent, related: Nekhes |
Braker - one absent |
Brichka - three absent, one in the army |
Britva - one absent |
Bromaker/Bromaver(?) - #95 two absent, lated: Shister |
Bubar - absent |
Bulba |
Burd - one absent |
Daen - one absent |
Dentsker - also Dantsker |
Drektiar/[Drektser] |
Edelman/Eidelman (2) - one in the army, one absent |
Erlakh (2) - one absent |
Farber |
Fel - all absent |
Fendel |
Feshelzon |
Fiks - one absent |
Fiks (2) - one in the army, five absent |
Fisher - two absent |
Fleish |
Flesh |
Furman (5) - one related: Biderets |
Garbar - in 1859 became merchant and moved to Medzhibozh |
Gekhman (3) - all males absent |
Gelbshtein - family absent since 1857 |
Gendelman - one absent |
Gendler (2) - related: Shnaider (four in the army), Frantsuz (absent) |
Giler - #24 three absent |
Gilman (2) - one family absent |
Ginker - three absent. |
Glizer/[Gleizer] |
Golden - one absent, one in the army |
Golub |
Golubenskiy - one absent |
Gomer |
Greisman - one absent |
Grinbarg |
Grobman - one absent. Related: Rusy |
Grud |
Gubar |
Gulka (2) - two absent |
Gurbel - #185 a.ka. Ide(?) |
Gurfel - one absent, one in the army |
Gurfinkel (3) |
Gutnik (3) - five absent. Related: Bulvan |
Guz - #211 all absent, one in the army |
Kachka (2) - two absent, one in the army |
Kalika - one absent |
Kamener - one absent |
Kats (2) - one absent, related: Giler |
Keiler (3) - five absent |
Khomut (2) |
Kleinman (7) - one absent, one in the army |
Kletsel |
Kliger - one absent |
Kos - all absent |
Kovler - one in the army |
Kramer/Krimer (2) - one absent, related: Kiner/Klener(?) (one absent) #51 |
Kremenetskiy |
Krigman - father absent, one son in the army, two absent |
Krimer - two left to Kishinev to retrieve exit papers |
Kripka |
Kushnir |
Kuten |
Leidman - family absent |
Lemish - one absent, one in the army |
Liberman |
Likhtmain/[Likhtman] |
Lirner/[Lerner] |
Lisak (2) - one absent, one in the army |
Litvak - one absent |
Livak - #174 one in the army, two asent |
Lubliner - #201 |
Maidanik/Maidannik - one in the army |
Maister |
Malinnik/Malinik (2) - two absent |
Mok - four absent, one in the army. Related: Shvartsman |
Mot - related: Beizer (absent) |
Muchnik - two absent |
Nudel (2) - four in the army, three absent. Related: Kreilik/Kreilin, Shenker |
Oks - father absent |
Pferman/Pererman(?) - #11 related: Kleiman (one absent, one in the army) |
Pinchuk - two absent |
Pinsker - one absent, one in the army |
Pirilzon/[Perelzon] |
Podisok |
Poleshuk (2) |
Polianskiy/[Polanskiy - three absent |
Rabinovich |
Rakhman (3) - also Rokhman, two absent |
Ratushnyi - #184 related: Sribrenik/[Serebrenik] (absent), Tarantai (in the army) |
Rekht - son absent |
Reznik - #216 |
Ritakh - three absent |
Rokhlin |
Shakhna - father absent |
Shakhniuk |
Shames - two absent |
Shapira - moved from Olevsk, Ovruch district to Berezno in 1859 |
Shekhet - one absent |
Shekhtmaister - absent, related: Shvartsman |
Shendel - #90 |
Shilman - one absent |
Shindel (2) - one absent |
Shister (2) - two absent, one in the army. Related: Gubar |
Shkalok/Shkaluk(?) - #10 son absent |
Shmidel |
Shmukler - father in the army in 1855 |
Shnaider (15) - one family absent, one a.k.a. Goldenbarg, one left to Gulevichov, Lutsk district, Volynia. Related: Berman, Kushnir |
Shniper - three absent |
Shpilka - one absent |
Shraiber (3) - one absent, related: Talisnik/[Talesnik] - one absent |
Shtein |
Shvartsman (3) - two absent |
Smoliar/Smolar (2) - #175 in one family all males are absent. |
Sribrennik/[Serebrenik] - two absent |
Teiler |
Teper - related: Mintses |
Tsikerman |
Turkovich |
Tutin - one absent, one in the army |
Unknown/Gershkovich - #130 two brothers Movsha-Itsko and Evel Gershkovich with children. |
Unknown/Leibovich - #164 Yankel Evshia Leibovich 48 years old, with wife and family. One absent, one in the army. |
Vainer (4) - three in the army, three absent. Related: Shakhnuk, Tarundey (absent) |
Vaishtein/[Vainshtein] (2) - one absent |
Veiler |
Veksler (3) - one family absent since 1857; in another one absent, one in the army, related: Giler (two absent) |
Vidlakh/Vidmakh - #66 one in the army, one absent. Related: Kamener, Mirochnik |
Virny |
Virny/[Vernyi] - two in the army |
Volner/Volpir(?) - #178 |
Vortsman - one absent |
Vulakh - one absent, one in the army |
Yosievich/Yusiovich (2) - #82, four absent |
Yuz - related: Bilenki (absent) |
Yuz/[Yooz] - father absent |
Zholkovskiy |