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Russian Jewish Roots

Genealogy in the 21st Century.

Sokolets births in 1837

Sokolets Vital Records Name list 1837

This is the index of births from Sokolets, Ushitsa district in year 1837.

Family Name
Kaluskiy/Spektor (possibly from Kalus)
Spektor(?) from Kamenets
Tkach (4)
Unknown/Abram Leib, parents: Aron Itsek Leibovich and Khaya Eidel
Unknown/Aron Zeilik, parents: Duvid Zeilikovich and Malia/Masia(?)
Unknown/Etia Finga, parents: Gershko Todrisovich and Ley-Gitlia
Unknown/Genia, parents: Leiba Itsek from Kalus and Endia Khaya
Unknown/Guda Leya, parents: Yankel Naftulovich and Giglia(?)
Unknown/Khaya and Maria, parents: Borukh Gersh Yosevich and Dvosia
Unknown/Mendel, parents Aron Lemovich from Ushitsa and Mar'ya
Unknown/Monashe, parents: Aba Nuta Yudkovich and Perla
Unknown/Mortko, parents: Abramko Khaimovich and Maria
Unknown/Shlioma, parents: Yos Abram Eizera from Ushitsa and Frima