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Russian Jewish Roots

Genealogy in the 21st Century.

Stepan artisan residents in August 1816

Stepan Census Name list 1816

This is the index of artisan residents from Stepan, Rovno district, compiled on August 9, 1816.

Numbers indicate how many families shared the same last name.

Family Name
Aizin/[Aisen] - related: Drutman, Melnitser, Shats, Nudl, Kisler, Perkal, Sandler, Tseref, Minaker, Eshtein/[Epshtein]
Burshtin - related: Fudel, Kesler
Eshtein - related: Shprits, Liberman, Nemovicher, Tsits, Shir, Derazhner, Pikaen, Kesler
Pres - related: Ruka(?), Kramd/Kraid(?), Khaid(?), Shnaider
Shir (2) - related: Khomer, Zam/Zais(?), Pres
Rish - related: Ber, Bontsa