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Russian Jewish Roots

Genealogy in the 21st Century.

Litin district

Litin district was located in the northern part of Podolia governorate between Letichev, Bar, Vinnitsa districts and Volynia governorate.

Litin Census December 1811: bourgeois, artisans
1833: residents who left to Yanov
1875: residents 1, 2, 3 4, 5
temporary residents
1875 add. census
Litin Vital Records Births: 1837, 1846
Marriages: 1837, 1839, 1876-1880
Divorces: 1837, 1839, 1846
Deaths: 1837, 1839, 1846
Berezna Census April 1875
Belyi Rukav Census 1875: temporary residents
Dashkovtsy Census 1875: temporary residents
Iliashevka Census April 1875
Khmelnik Vital Records 1839: births, divorces
1840: births, marriages, divorces
1841: births, marriges, divorces, deaths
Khmelnik Census December 1811: merchants, artisans
1833: residents who came from Pilyava
Kumanovtsy Census April 1875
Litinka Census 1875: residents
Mankovtsy Census temporary residents
Mezhirov Vital Records 1839: births, marriages & divorces, deaths
Mezhirov Census 1811: bourgeois, artisans
1875: bourgeois, artisans
temporary residents, Mezhirov volost temp. residents
Novokonstantinov Census 1833: residents who left to Staraya Siniava
Novokonstantinov Vital Records 1839: births to local parents, births to external parents, marriages, divorces, deaths: 1, 2
1840: births to local parents, births to external parents, marriages, divorces
1841: births, marriages, divorces deaths
1846: births, marriages, divorces, deaths
Pagurtsy Census temporary residents
Pilyava Census 1833: residents who left to Yanov
residents who left to Khmelnik
1875: April 1875, residents, Pilyava volost residents
Pilyava Vital Records 1839: births, marriages, deaths
Salnitsa (Salnitsy) Census 1852: artisans
1875: residents, add. census
foreigners, temporary residents
Sosny Census 1875: residents
Staraya Siniava Census 1833: 1, 2, newcomers from Novokonstantinov
Starya Siniava Vital Records 1839: births, marriages, deaths
1840: births, marriages
1846: births, marriages, deaths
Stodultsy Census temporary residents
Ulanov Vital Records Births: 1839, 1840, 1844
Marriages: 1839, 1840, 1840s-1860s
Divorces: 1839, 1840,
Deaths: 1839, 1840
Ulanov Census 1811: bourgeois, artisans
1875: temporary residents, Ulanov volost. temp. residents
Yanov Census December 1811: bourgeois, artisans
1833: 1, 2, newcomers from Pilyava, newcomers from Litin
October 1850: merchants, bourgeois, artisans
1852: artisans
1875: residents
Yanov Vital Records Births: 1839, 1840, 1841, 1883, 1886, 1887
Marriages: 1839, 1840, 1841
Divorces: 1839, 1840, 1841,
Deaths: 1839, 1840, 1841, 1885, 1886
Litin district Misc village migrations 1882-1888