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Russian Jewish Roots

Genealogy in the 21st Century.

Krasnostav in additional records 1827-1828

Krasnostav Name List Census 1827-1828

These individuals/families appear in various additional census records from Krasnostav, Novograd-Volynskiy district conducte in 1827 and 1828.

All of them were either missed or born after the main census of 1816. These records were signed by elders Duvid Itskovich Fez(?)man, Leib Shaevich Pran, Duvid Itskovich Perlman, Yoina Iosevich Goldman.

The numbers indicate how many families shared the same last name

Family NameCensus Date
BerinshteinJune 27, 1827
BrovermanJune 27, 1827
ReisintelJune 27, 1827
GilmanMay 30, 1827
KoritaDecember 18, 1828