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Russian Jewish Roots

Genealogy in the 21st Century.

Ivenets in December 1811

Ivenets Name Index Census 1811

This is the census from Ivenets, Minsk district compiled in December 1811.

This list includes petty bourgeois and artisans. There were 170 males recorded, many with professions. There were also large number of individuals who came from unknown place.

Numbers indicate how many households shared the same last name.

Family nameNotesRelated families
Berger (8)
Bronshteincurrently located in place Meytset, Slonim dist, with son.
Chapkevich (5)son came from Ivenets; 1-came from Krinol/Krakol(?)
Efron/Efrom (5)two sons in Wilno.
Eliya[sh]burgShikh-came from abroad
recorded in Brestechko
Wolynia gov.
, Shif
Epshtein (2)
Funt (18)one from Volozhin,
Oshmyany dist. Wilno(?) gov.
1-from Koydanovo
4-newcomers from unknown place.
Garodzka or Gorodzka (2)Unknown/Mendelev-from Mikhalinsk, Wilno(?) gov.
Giplevich or Gapievich
Goldberg/Goldbarg (5)1-two sons are recorded in Wilno and Radushkovichi
1-two sons in Slonim and Wilno.
Unknown/Itskov -from place Il'i(?), Vileyka dist;
Kalachik (2)
Kantor1-newcomer from unknown place.
Kozhemyakacame from Vileyka(?) dist.
Kucher/Kuchar (4)1 recorded in Minsk
Mernikin Koydanov
Milenkiy (14)1 recorded in Minsk
1-newcomer from unknown place.
Pakutskiyhis two sons are in Mogil'no and Karavaev(?)
Poznyak (4)1-newcomer from unknown place.
Rabinovichfrom Kamen, Minsk dist.
Rogovyi (2)Unknown/Vulfov
Rolnik (6)
Rubinshtein (11)1-in Gorodok, Vileyka dist
1-from Volozhin
1-newcomer from unknown place
Unknown/Isroelev-came from Radushkovichi
Unknown/Girshov-from Koydanovo
Sagalovich (6)two sons recorded in Stolptsy and Rubezhevichi
1-newcomer from unknown place.
Sher (7)1 from Koydanovo
3-newcomers from unknown place
Shif (5)
Sirotka (91 left to Sventsyan, Wilno gov
1 son in Minsk
Tsetseruk or Tsitseruk (2)