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Russian Jewish Roots

Genealogy in the 21st Century.

Mogilev marriage records from 1863

Best Viewed in: Desktop Mogilev Vital Records List of Names Marriage Records Year 1863 Features: Genealogy Tip

This article is part of a series related to Mogilev vital records It covers pages 430-475 in the microfilm 007766479.

Genealogy Tip
To find the original birth record:
  • Find the exact birth date
  • Navigate to Family Search and find appropriate microfilm.
  • Identify the microfilm that contains year range for this record group and click the photo camera image to the right of it.
  • Find the subset of records within microfilm, usually a blank page with the title in the middle.
  • Navigate each page until you find that ancestral record. Each first record on the page starts with the name of the month.
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Baltereva Basin Bayevskiy Bayevskiy Belinki Belzer Bilyachki/Bilyatski Briker Brochkinova
Dinerova Drabkin
Fishman Fleysher
Garlats Gashinski Ginzburg Ginzburgova Gradnereva Granatova Grinereva Gurevich
Indinboum Iofa Iofa Izakzon
Kagan Kaganova Kakuzinova Kanter Kats Kats Katsmanova Khaykinova Khosidova Kirznerova Klaz Kovner Kral Kushkin
Levit Levit-Lakhvits Leytas Lifand Lifshitsova Lifshitsova
Palikevich Pevchenova Pevzner Pevznerova Pozinova
Rashaleva Ratner Raykhinshtanova Razinoy Risyas
Sakin Salavey Shadkhin Shats Sheftil Sherman Sheyninova Sheynman Shniereva Shotkinova Shureva Sirotkinova Slabochki Sluchker Somerov Soskinova Stupel'ma(n?) Sturman
Termanova Termanova/shermanova Toker Tsetlin Tsetlinova Tsetlinova Tsetlinova Tsomuk Tupalereva
Vaynson Vekslerova Vetlin Vol
Yakhnin Yasin(?) Yukhnavich
Zilberbarg Zilberman Zkharov