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Russian Jewish Roots

Genealogy in the 21st Century.

Just Who are You to tell Us how to dig for our roots?

Welcome researcher!

My professional background in technology, along with data analysis, advanced knowledge of European history, geography and the long-term commitment to genealogy allowed this blog to come to life.

For nearly two decades now I perform several translation projects annually for a well-known genealogy company. This gives me unique exposure to data otherwise unknown or of little interest to the general public.

Typically historians are not very interested in genealogy while genealogical researchers at large, remain ignorant of historical facts that are not directly related to their families.

This blogs aims to fill this gap.

Since a lot of effort goes into each and every post, I ask to provide the link to the original posts should you chose to site any details on your own sites. For a serious publication however, my prior approval is required.

With all this being said, enjoy the history