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Russian Jewish Roots

Genealogy in the 21st Century.

Bratslav district

Bratslav Census April 1875: residents
temporary residents: part 1, part 2
Bratslav Vital Records Births: 1837, 1837 (parents from out of town)
1842 1851
Marriages: 1837, 1842
Divorces: 1837
Deaths: 1842, 1851
Aleksandrovka Census 1875 temporary residents
Bogdanovka Census 1875: volost temporary residents: 10
Bablov (Babliv) Census 1875 temporary residents
Chukov Census 1875 temporary residents
Grabovets Census 1875 volost: temporary residents 1, 6
Kholodovka Census 1875 temporary residents
Kirnasovka Census 1875 temporary residents
Kleban Census 1875 temporary residents
Kovalevka Census 1875 temporary residents
Luka Census 1875 temporary residents
Mikhalevka Census 1875 residents
Nemirov Census April 1875: residents
temporary residents: 1, 2, X
Nemirov Vital Records Births: 1837, 1839
Marriages: 1837, 1839, 1842, 1845
Divorces: 1837, 1839, 1842, 1845
Deaths: 1837, 1839, 1845
Pechera Census 1875 temporary residents
Pechera Vital Records 1839: births, marriages, divorces, deaths
Protoki Census 1875 temporary residents
Radun Census 1875 temporary residents
Rogozna Census 1875 temporary residents
Savintsy Census 1875 temporary residents
Shpikov Census 1875 residents, temporary residents
Shpikov volost: temp. residents
Torkov Census 1875 residents: X, 4
temporary residents
Trostenets Census 1875 residents: 1, 2
temporary residents
Tulchin Census 1875 residents, part 1
temporary residents
foreign residents foreigners: 2,6,9
Tulchin Vital Records Births: 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890
Verkhovka Census 1875 residents: 1, 2
temporary residents, foreign residents
Verkhovka Vital Records 1839: births, marriages, deaths
Voronovitsa Census 1875 temporary residents
Zvonikha Census 1875 temporary residents
Bratslav district Misc 1875 1875 - temporary residents from Olgopol district
1882-1888 village migrations